This is the coin. It is crafted from nickel-plated copper, measuring 28 mm in diameter and available in a limited edition of 100.
It features a QR code that unveils a fragment from an 1885 manual on sleight of hand.
Both sides of the coin are imprinted with precise finger positions, offering subtle tactile guidance for the temporary concealment of the coin, thus enhancing the performative act that is suggested by the manual.
Limited edition now available The coin is now available in a limited edition of 100. Get your own copy for 45 euro including shipping in NL (for shipping outside NL the shipping costs will be charged extra).
Order your copy In order to buy a copy of Coin (‘Something unusual is going on’) send me a mail.
Limited edition of Coin (‘Something unusual is going on’), 2024.
On view at Penning 2.0 exhibition at Pictura Dordrecht The coin was on display at the exhibition Penning 2.0 at Pictura in Dordrecht (NL) from september to november 2024. The exhibition presented seven conceptual coins by contemporary artists.