MAR 2017 // From 9 March to 3 April 2017 my work was included in the group show NEW MATERIAL; Living in a New Material World. The exhibition showed works of
Robert Cervera Amblar (ES/UK), Russell Chater (UK), Marieke Gelissen (NL), Paul Kindersley (UK), Edith Kollath (DE), Tyler Mallison (UK, US), Nika Neelova (RU) and Michaela Zimmer (DE), selected by artist curator Tyler Mallison.

Robert Cervera, Collapsed Bollard.
Tyler Mallison, Untitled (Word fails me)

Wall piece ENTER & INS><DEL by Edith Kollath.

Nika Neelova, Untitled (stack).

Installation by Tyler Mallison: Working prototype (Propositions for a better way of working).

Edith Kollath, Foundling (Entf><Einfg) II.

Marieke Gelissen, Tables don’t walk (counting down) & Duet.

Paul Kindersley, Goodwill Ambassador

Still of Goodwill Ambassador.
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