
Setting the Table
For the concert with the Tramharmonie, I have created a brand-new video piece inspired by the composition Venus from The Planets by Gustav Holst – and my own fascination with instructions, language, and imagery.

Setting the Table
For the concert with the Tramharmonie, I have created a brand-new video piece inspired by the composition Venus from The Planets by Gustav Holst – and my own fascination with instructions, language, and imagery.

After a while
Video, 17′, 2020. Related to Crumbs.

After a while
Video, 17′, 2020. Related to Crumbs.

Tables don’t walk
Video, 5’50 (loop), 2016. Site specific video installation at Van Zijll Langhout | Contemporary Art in Amsterdam, in August 2016. Installation view 2′ fragment of the video

Tables don’t walk
Video, 5’50 (loop), 2016. Site specific video installation at Van Zijll Langhout | Contemporary Art in Amsterdam, in August 2016. Installation view 2′ fragment of the video

Floor Plan (Loop)
Video, 6’30, loop, 2015. Installation view at Paleis van Mieris: This video was part of group show Level Up. The act from this video was also performed live: see performance Taking the Floor.

Floor Plan (Loop)
Video, 6’30, loop, 2015. Installation view at Paleis van Mieris: This video was part of group show Level Up. The act from this video was also performed live: see performance Taking the Floor.

Turning Pages
Video, (2015). It was the daily gesture of turning pages with a little help of some spit on the finger, that resulted into this video, which shows me gently drawing circles with my wet finger on the right top corner

Turning Pages
Video, (2015). It was the daily gesture of turning pages with a little help of some spit on the finger, that resulted into this video, which shows me gently drawing circles with my wet finger on the right top corner

Given the Situation
Site specific video work (15′ loop, projection on black cardboard). Presented at CODE ROOD, Portiersloge Buitenplaats Koningweg on 30 May 2015.View fragment of the video, and registration of the presentation.

Given the Situation
Site specific video work (15′ loop, projection on black cardboard). Presented at CODE ROOD, Portiersloge Buitenplaats Koningweg on 30 May 2015.View fragment of the video, and registration of the presentation.

It Is the Rubbing That Makes the Skin Smooth
Video installation (2014), consisting of a 20’00 video and a paper cone. Installation view at Percipi Gallery (October 2014) and stills from the video:

It Is the Rubbing That Makes the Skin Smooth
Video installation (2014), consisting of a 20’00 video and a paper cone. Installation view at Percipi Gallery (October 2014) and stills from the video:

Small Change
Video, 3’40, 2013. Watch a fragment of the video here. For pictures of this work at We Like Art @ Art Rotterdam 2014, click here.

Small Change
Video, 3’40, 2013. Watch a fragment of the video here. For pictures of this work at We Like Art @ Art Rotterdam 2014, click here.

Video, 2’20 (looped), 2013. Installation view Prospects & Concepts, Art Rotterdam (February 2014).

Short Tubes Make High Tones
Video, 9’48, 2013. Watch a fragment of the video here. Installation view at Percipi Gallery (October 2014, photo Gert Jan van Rooij):

Short Tubes Make High Tones
Video, 9’48, 2013. Watch a fragment of the video here. Installation view at Percipi Gallery (October 2014, photo Gert Jan van Rooij):

Spasmodic discovery, Nr. 1 (Yoyo)
Video object, 2012. Materials: MDF, wood, video projection, beamer. Size: 40 x 120 x 10 cm.

Spasmodic discovery, Nr. 1 (Yoyo)
Video object, 2012. Materials: MDF, wood, video projection, beamer. Size: 40 x 120 x 10 cm.

Spasmodic discovery, Nr. 3 (Knee)
Video object, 2012. Video projection on an object of multiplex and cardboard (30 x 35 x 25 cm).

Spasmodic discovery, Nr. 3 (Knee)
Video object, 2012. Video projection on an object of multiplex and cardboard (30 x 35 x 25 cm).

Two channel video, 10’25 (2012). Watch a fragment of the video here. See also the full screen presentation of Counting at AWA Gallery.

The movement of the hand defining the form
Two channel video (2011) Part 1: The movement of the hand defining the form (video, 2’05) Part 2: Drawing the movement of the hand defining the form (video, 2’54)

The movement of the hand defining the form
Two channel video (2011) Part 1: The movement of the hand defining the form (video, 2’05) Part 2: Drawing the movement of the hand defining the form (video, 2’54)